As concern grows in our communities regarding water quality, there are farmers utilizing conservation practices that are making a difference. The practices they have implemented, often voluntarily, are protecting waterways and water quality in Indiana and beyond. Alan Weyer and JBM Lammers in Dubois County are one of those farmers and they are one of the 47 farmers who received the statewide award of River Friendly Farmer at the Indiana State Fair on Farmers’ Day, August 14, 2019. This award, hosted by the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD), recognizes landowners and farmers in the state of Indiana for the work they do on their land to protect Indiana’s natural resources. Weyer and Lammers were nominated by the local Dubois County soil and Water Conservation District.
JBM Lammers has no-till history. Jim Lammers was one of the very first farmers in Dubois County to use a no-till planter to plant corn in a hay field in the 1970’s. The family is still no-tilling today and using cover crops, grassed waterways, filter strips, rotational grazing, and rock chutes. Located in the Patoka Watershed, they use cover crops to keep the soil in place and provide baleage for their cattle. No-till has reduced their labor input; as well as, saved them top soil, especially in the steep areas they farm. Brian Lammers stated, “When I was a kid and everything was tilled, the mud in the ditches was terrible. Using cover crops and no-till, they are now much cleaner.”
Alan Weyer’s farm is involved in the production of corn, soybeans, beef cattle and hay. He has implemented the use of water and sediment control basins, waterways, cover crops, no-till, grid soil sampling, variable rate fertilizer application, and crop rotation. Everything on the farm has improved including soil tilth, crop quality, amount of soil loss through erosion, nutrient runoff, amount of manufactured fertilizers applied, and increased wildlife population. The amount of nutrient and sediment leaving the fields in the water has been greatly reduced. The water leaving the farm looks clearer, nearly drinkable. He uses rotational grazing, HUAPs (heavy use area protection), and watering and manure storage facilities. The livestock have been fenced out of the ponds and most of the woodland on the property. Weyer is a former SWCD supervisor and chairman, current SWCD associate supervisor, honorary member of the local FFA Chapter, and former IASWCD regional director.
Indiana Lieutenant Governor, Suzanne Crouch, and President of Indiana Farm Bureau, Randy Kron, presented each recipient with an award certificate and ribbon. Amie Simpson, Brownfield Ag News, emceed the ceremony with Jerry Raynor, Indiana State Conservationist, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) and IASWCD President, Roger Wenning making brief remarks.
The River Friendly Farmer Award has been presented by the IASWCD and sponsored by the 92 local Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. since 2000. This year’s group of award winners brings the total number of River Friendly Farmers in Indiana since the awards beginning to 1,008.
JBM Lammers has no-till history. Jim Lammers was one of the very first farmers in Dubois County to use a no-till planter to plant corn in a hay field in the 1970’s. The family is still no-tilling today and using cover crops, grassed waterways, filter strips, rotational grazing, and rock chutes. Located in the Patoka Watershed, they use cover crops to keep the soil in place and provide baleage for their cattle. No-till has reduced their labor input; as well as, saved them top soil, especially in the steep areas they farm. Brian Lammers stated, “When I was a kid and everything was tilled, the mud in the ditches was terrible. Using cover crops and no-till, they are now much cleaner.”
Alan Weyer’s farm is involved in the production of corn, soybeans, beef cattle and hay. He has implemented the use of water and sediment control basins, waterways, cover crops, no-till, grid soil sampling, variable rate fertilizer application, and crop rotation. Everything on the farm has improved including soil tilth, crop quality, amount of soil loss through erosion, nutrient runoff, amount of manufactured fertilizers applied, and increased wildlife population. The amount of nutrient and sediment leaving the fields in the water has been greatly reduced. The water leaving the farm looks clearer, nearly drinkable. He uses rotational grazing, HUAPs (heavy use area protection), and watering and manure storage facilities. The livestock have been fenced out of the ponds and most of the woodland on the property. Weyer is a former SWCD supervisor and chairman, current SWCD associate supervisor, honorary member of the local FFA Chapter, and former IASWCD regional director.
Indiana Lieutenant Governor, Suzanne Crouch, and President of Indiana Farm Bureau, Randy Kron, presented each recipient with an award certificate and ribbon. Amie Simpson, Brownfield Ag News, emceed the ceremony with Jerry Raynor, Indiana State Conservationist, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) and IASWCD President, Roger Wenning making brief remarks.
The River Friendly Farmer Award has been presented by the IASWCD and sponsored by the 92 local Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. since 2000. This year’s group of award winners brings the total number of River Friendly Farmers in Indiana since the awards beginning to 1,008.