This year both Mark & Nancy Welp of Welp Farms and Kevin Mundy of Mundy Farms LLC were recognized at River Friendly Farms of Dubois County.
Mundy Farms LLC utilizes conservation practices such as no-till, minimum till and strip till, soil sampling, variable rate fertilizer application, cover crops, grassed waterways and WASBs. These practices have reduced erosion and fertilizer runoff while also building soil health. This farm includes classified forest acres, CRP wetland habitat; and, they have conducted timber stand improvement and invasive species management. Kevin has also been involved with the Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District and their Land Stewardship Initiative. Welp Farms produces grain and livestock in the Richland Creek-Flat Creek watershed. They use soil sampling to determine whether manure or fertilizer needs to be spread on their fields. They also use rotational grazing and have installed exclusive fencing to keep the cattle out of their ponds. They have also implemented waterways and filter strips and as a result have observed cleaner water leaving the farm, containing less soil and nutrients. |
Mark & Nancy Welp, Welp Farms